
Show # 42 The E3 Chick!

Vision winner announced, A new question is revealed, HDTV expert joins us next show, XNA Props. We talk about Texas Hold em', FEAR, Splinter Cell Double Agent, Test Drive XBL Arcade and much much more. I almost stun a handicap lady, Bounty and Rodder rip certain ethnicity's, all because I like Viva Pinata Enjoy the show and spread the word.



Show #41 The Xbox Live Vision Show!

1 hr game show, 20 min.'s Relationship segment. Info on how to win an Xbox Live Vision Camera. We talk about XNA, becuase now Microsoft introduces the youTube of video games. We talk about the future of XBLA Squad XP Parties. Preview: Kane & Lynch: Dead Men. Preview: The Godfather for XBOX 360. Funny stories as always, this weeks news on the Xbox 360, XSATA winner, and some of our listener E-Mail.

If you want to submit something for the XP Girls to help you out with, the e-mail address is girls@squadxp.com.



Show #40

Show #40

This week we recap the weeks news and XBLA 2006. We call out Rodder XP and talk about some funny things that happen this past week. Enjoy it. Stay subscribed and spread the word.


Show #39 The XBLA 06 Party!!

Show #39

We are live @ the XBLA 06 Party. We run down the news and give you an update about whats going on @ the party. Hope you all enjoy it and if you weren't able to come we hope you can make it next year. Enjoy it. Stay subscribe and spread the word.
