
Show #66 Take A Tazer Hit!

Windows Vista Preview, Exxxotic Convention is right around the corner. Sony may lose Devil May Cry 4, Battlestation Midway gets an 8.5, Hour of Victory is Exclusive to the Xbox 360, Forza Date, GRAW 2 Demo, Bounty vents about Crackdown, Sony to launch in Europe. Bounty sets the next Legend Buster, and we get into some strange Bromance conversation.

Mailing Address:
Squad XP LLC
16154 sw 44th LN
Miami, FL 33185


Relationship Segment => girls@squadxp.com


Show #65 Flying Solo

I let you know what's up with the Zune. Is it really better than the iPod? I take back everything bad I've ever said about Guitar Hero and give you some info about Guitar Hero 2. Yes I did play it. :). Microsoft preparing 360 launch in China, Oblivion on the PS3 is Delayed and it's all Blu-Ray's fault, PlayStation 3 has worst week of sales since launch - In Japan and I let you know how bad it was. The show is short this week. Next show we'll all be together again.

Mailing Address:

Squad XP LLC
16154 sw 44th LN
Miami, FL 33185


Relationship Segment => girls@squadxp.com



Show #64 Get her the good room (CES Show)

Zune will play games sooner than you think. Sony aplogizes for lying about 1080p @ 70 fps. Microsoft releases some really cool numbers. You would be surprised @ how many messages are sent over Xbox Live each day. The 50mb limit on XBL Arcade games is lifed, we tell you what that means to you. Halo 3: Day of the Mongoose. We break down the specs on the ATV. We recap IPTV and how you can get it in your home. I let loose all my stories from Vegas, CES, and AEE.

Mailing info:

Squad XP
16154 sw 44th LN
Miami, FL 33185


Relationship Segment => girls@squadxp.com


Show #63 Use it & Abuse it (Pre CES)

It's the day before I fly to CES and we all get together to touch on a few topics about CES 2007 including Xbox 360 Version 2.0 with HDMI a 120 gig hard drive. Sony drops the ball on the new racing wheel. Can they fix it? We say no. We also take a look @ what makes your Xbox 360 up convert video to 1080p. We also bust a Myth on the show with youTube footage and all. Enjoy it.

Mailing info:

Squad XP
16154 sw 44th LN
Miami, FL 33185

Relationship Segment => girls@squadxp.com