
UPDATE: So What's Going on?

This file was made to give you a heads up about what's going on @ SquadXP.com. We love you, so don't think we forgot about you. :)

Squad XP


Show #96 The Whatever Show!

K Rock and Rodder are back in driver seat and we run down some news, Talk about some community changes coming in the future, and drop a few hints about some really cool stuff we got to check out. We touch on the Fab 3 (Halo 3, Half-Life 2, and Call of Duty 4. We try to get to email, reveal a new segment and I need help with VISTA. :)

Mailing Info:

Squad XP
16154 sw 44th LN
Miami, FL 33185

Relationship Segment: girls@squadxp.com


Show #95 Spoils HALO 3

Well we're back and just a little bit late, and Arc was dead.... We talk about Halo 3, Halo 3, and did I say Halo 3? Halo Launch night, Thoughts about the story, SPOILERS!!!, Multiplayer breakdown, Halo 3 Vs Gears?, and HALO 4?. We also have a semi new Relationship segment this week, that we used for out tryout show I hoped you like it. Thanks for the download and remember Stay Safe And Game On!

Mailing Info:
Squad XP
16154 sw 44th LN
Miami, FL 33185

Relationship Segment: girls@squadxp.com