
Show #109 The Burger Challenge

Download Now (03/24/2008)

Ubisoft acquires Tom Clancy's and plans a MMO, COD 4 Maps on the Way and we let you know what's some of our favorites, Bioshock 2 is on the way, GTA 4 details emerge and we let you know what to expect when it comes to the multiplayer part of the game. We hang out and fill you in on our burger challenge. Stay subscribed and tell your friends.

Mailing Info:

Squad XP
16154 sw 44th LN
Miami, FL 33185

Relationship Segment: girls@squadxp.com


Squad XP on Spring Break

While most of the USA is on Spring Break we've decided here @ SquadXP to take a break of our own. While there won't be a show this week we'll still be prepping for what we hope will be some exciting changes in the coming weeks.

So rather then force a show this week we think it'll be best if we take this week to continue to work on some of our R&D projects and see you guys next week. If you're dying to listen to someone head over to PlatformNation or AllGames to get your dose of gaming news.

Kelly Gomes
Editor in Chief
GT:K Rock XP


Show #108 So It Was A Party.

Download Now (03/09/2008)

This week we're back with Huxley News, Yea that game from a long time ago. We talk COD4, Set a date and talk about the new patch, Xbox 360 to get a 60 gig drive, Blu Ray is in and 360 is next, Some cool gamerpictures hit the XBLM. We take some shots, talk about prom and I give you the low down on our awesome house party. Stay Subscribed and Spread the News.

Mailing Info:

Squad XP
16154 sw 44th LN
Miami, FL 33185

Relationship Segment: girls@squadxp.com