
XP, PAX, & Post E3 Update

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Some info on what's up with Squad XP. A quick look back @ E3 that just passed and some info on the upcoming PAX.

Mailing info:

Squad XP LLC
16154 sw 44th LN
Miami, FL 33185

Relationship Segment => girls@squadxp.com


Show #116 E3 Day 1 in 10 min.

Download Now (07/14/2008)

Quick 10 min run down summing up the news oozing out of E3; News stories out: Wii motion plus, more on Lips, Bungie has halo game in the works?, Gears 2 dated, Netflix coming to the 360 Dashboard, Final Fantasy 13 coming to the 360, and new customizable avatars linked to Gamer cards.

Mailing info:

Squad XP LLC
16154 sw 44th LN
Miami, FL 33185

Relationship Segment => girls@squadxp.com

Show #115 Flying Solo

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Download now! 07/13/08

Show sucks did a quickie by my self just to have a chance to cover some of the Pre-E3 news that has been released, while K Rock is out on vacation. Stories covered: Rockband 2 $300.00 optional pro drum kit, $299.00 20GB 360's become reality, my thoughts on the up coming DC VS. Mortal Combat, TGS tickets on sale, Project LIPS, Darwin motion controller, and iPhone mobile gaming. I will be back through out the week to sum up the stories that come out during E3.

Rodder XP
Webcaster/Associate Editor


Show #114 The One We Think Has Audio Problems

Download Now (07/06/2008)

We're back in full force and we hope with one doesn't have any audio problem. Sony wasa brinkin consoles, 360 to get a face lift and menu redesign, Another Viva Pinata is on it's Way, HALO 3 map to be free for a day, Burnout to play with airplanes, Guitar Hero being appleish, and we chat up Bad Company. Stay subscribed and tell your friends. What are you waiting for, download the show now.

Mailing info:

Squad XP LLC
16154 sw 44th LN
Miami, FL 33185

Relationship Segment => girls@squadxp.com