
Show #126 Touching Makes You Salute the Flag

Download Now (11/09/2008)

We find out what "Bitch Bojangles" means. GEARS OF WAR 2 is out, there's an issue with limited edition downloadable content but M$ and Squad XP is on top of it. Microsoft hints to new things in 2009, but is that a good thing? Godfather II video is out and Rock Band 2 tracks are headed to a store near you. We share inappropriate story's and take way to many shots. Thank you all for your generous donations. We so very much appreciate them but at the same time hate you for it ;). Until next week stay sober and play on XBL.

PS: We give you a sneak preview on next weeks Relationship question.

Mailing Info:
16154 sw 44th LN
Miami, FL 33185

Relationship Email => girls@squadxp.com


Show #125 Shots and Strippers

Download Now (11/02/2008)

So after last weeks Mac mix up left you guys with no show. So this week we made up for it. We filled in shot requests, tell you what we thought about the NXE (We've played with it), talk about End War, Mirrors Edge, Call of Duty World at War MP Beta, Bungie releases a lost podcast, we tell you about a kick ass launch party for WOW and Gears of War 2. Bad Company gets some DLC on Halloween. I share strip club stories, we tell you why to rock the vote, why I hate Scary games, and much more. We even did a relationship segment but sadly ran out of time. Enjoy, I think you guys are gonna love this one.

Mailing Info:
16154 sw 44th LN
Miami, FL 33185

Relationship Email => girls@squadxp.com