
Squad XP Update!

Little file to let you know what's going on with SquadXP.com and PlatformNation.

Omega 5 -V4JVH-694BR-Q3PX4-FYWQK-94V2D

Mailing Info:

Squad XP
16154 sw 44th LN
Miami, FL 33185

Relationship Segment: girls@squadxp.com


Show #104 First Time Shot

Rodder swings by with his little sister and we get her to take her first shot ever. Xbox Live hits 10 Million, GoldenEye almost made it to XBLA (We have petition info), Devil May Cry 4 Demo might be on its way, M$ gives Undertow for free because of Xbox Live Issues, and NPD data is in. Our review section is open and we debut our Patriot segment.

Be the first to grab it:


Happy Birthday Method!!!

Mailing Info:

Squad XP
16154 sw 44th LN
Miami, FL 33185

Relationship Segment: girls@squadxp.com


Show #103 Bi Fold Vs. Tri Fold ,Part Deuce

We touch on Bi Fold and Tri Fold wallets for the second time. Street Fighter kinda enters the 3D arena we let you know if it's worth it. VRX MACH 4 is out for the Xbox 360, We preview Battlefield : Bad Company, Burnout Demo get's updated, and Xbox 360 sales are up but can Xbox Live Take it? We touch on E-Mails and share some awesome stories.

Mailing Info:

Squad XP
16154 sw 44th LN
Miami, FL 33185

Relationship Segment: girls@squadxp.com