
Show# 122 Prom or Homecoming?


On this week's show we got semi trashed and tried to get through some news stories; we touched on the new avatar system and unfortunately I came home and had a few more beers with dinner and don't remember WTF else we talked about other than the relationship section and the damn avatars. Any who it was a great show then again I am drunk.

Rodder XP

Mailing Info:

Squad XP LLC
16154 sw 44th LN
Miami, FL 33185

Relationship Questions: girls@squadxp.com


Show #121 Sit Back and Get Loose

Download Now (09/15/2008)

This week we sit back and enjoy some beers... um scratch that. I enjoyed a beer and Rodder supported me. We talked XBLA. Seems M$ has been hard at work getting us some worthy titles. Burnout gets an update, yup another one. I share some story's about Absinthe, how ended up @ the post office when I know I fell asleep in a house. Any a bunch of entertaining things. Oh yea, our relationship segement is a good one. One guys is dead and his buddy wants to move in on his chick. How long should he wait??? My friend Liz helps us break it down. We also talk about Rock Band 2 somewhere in there. Enjoy it, stay subscribed and tell your friends. Even if they're forum buddy's.

Mailing Info:

Squad XP LLC
16154 sw 44th LN
Miami, FL 33185

Relationship Questions: girls@squadxp.com


Show #120 Bounce Back

Download Now (09/07/2008)

K Rock & Rodder are back. After a Trip to Seattle for PAX and a Study Abroad trip to Peru things are back to normal. Xbox drops in price, what's up with Nintendo, GH: AS Demo is out, we Talk TV's, I talk about my hands on with Brothers in Arms, Tom Clancy's HAWK, Gears of War 2, Need For Speed, and much more. Rodder gets kicked out of Best Buy, I get hit on by a Slore (That's a half slut, half whore) and yes I kicked BIGVIP's ass in Madden. Wow, what a busy week.

Mailing Info:

Squad XP LLC
16154 sw 44th LN
Miami, FL 33185

Relationship Questions: girls@squadxp.com


Show #119 XP's Last Day @ PAX 2008

Download Now (08/31/2008)

GamerEdie, Chiahippo (Platform Nation), Mrs. LeftyBrown (The Married Gamers), Z3ro9, InfectedPB503 (XBLRadio), BDazzler (Gamers Pub) and Platform Nation’s fearless leader, Steve519 record a live show for PlatformNation on the show floor @ PAX 2008.

We meet up with
Todd Howard, creative director of Bethesda’s Fallout 3, reveals a bunch of details about the game and fearlessly answers a half-hour of constant questions from the panel and the live chat-room audience.

Shawn White of Ninjatown also gets peppered with tons of questions about the upcoming DS game and what it’s like to go from being a game journalist to a game developer.

Finally Jeff Pobst, CEO of Hidden Path, talks about their upcoming tower-defense game, Defense Grid: The Awakening. He also gets very candid about Microsoft’s certification process and offers up insight about the development industry from a CEO’s viewpoint.

See what's going on @ pax, hang out with us, and listen in on some Developer interviews on the show with us. Follow the news @ SquadXP.com & PlatformNation.com.

Relationship Questions: girls@squadxp.com

Show #118 Squad XP Live @ PAX (Updated)!!!

Download Now (08/29/2008) **Link Fixed**

K Rock, Edi, Lefty, and Steve 519 record a live show for PlatformNation on the show floor @ PAX 2008. See what's going on @ pax, hang out with us, and listen in on some Developer interviews on the show with us. Follow the news @ SquadXP.com & PlatformNation.com.

Relationship Questions: girls@squadxp.com